Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques
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09/02/2010 - Compte rendu
Actualités/vie scientifique,. Responsable éditoriale Chiara Santini "Emanuele Frixa présente la parution en langue française du livre de Franco Farinelli De la raison cartographique, texte d'histoire et de philosophie de la géographie, qui donne au paysage un rôle clé dans la formation des modèles de représentation de la culture occidentale." Note de lecture de Emmanuele Frixa (extraits) "It's along these paths that Franco Farinelli's "raison cartographique" has been developed, and it finds in myth and in western knowledge archetypical models a possible source to explain the contemporary world, after the modern cartographic logic sunset has been recognized. The labyrinth represents the end of these paths: it is the most extraordinary among images and the most fascinating among models. Labyrinth which represents the peak and at the same time the collapse of the cartographic logic, that one of the reduction of the sphere to the table, of the world to the Earth, of the phisis to its deathly representation. As Farinelli notices, labyrinth exists just as mental image and cause its definition it's not possible to draw it and otherwise to represent it. But it's also true that it refers, according to its Egyptian model described by Herodotus, to another invisible subterranean composition of which what it's possible to see is just a reflection, as the story of the two Earth's names, Gé and Ctòn, still reminds."