Sociétés savantes
Annuaire des sociétés savantes
Société européenne de transplantation de langue anglaise (ESOT) - PADOUE
Société européenne de transplantation de langue anglaise (ESOT) - PADOUE
The european Society for Organ Transplantation
The european Society for Organ Transplantation
Domaines d'activité: médecine, pharmacie, vétérinaire
Domaines géographiques: Europe, International
Périodes chronologiques: Préhistoire-Protohistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Moderne, Contemporain-Temps présent
Présentation de la société :
The European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) was founded over 30 years ago and is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in organ transplantation. Facilitating a wealth of international clinical trials and research collaborations over the years, ESOT remains committed to its primary aim of improving patient outcomes in transplantation. With a community of over 8,000 members from around the world, ESOT is an influential international organisation and the facilitator of the biennial congress which hosts approximately 3,500 experts who come to meet to explore and discuss the latest scientific research. ESOT attracts the foremost transplantation experts to work in its committees and sections, and has an impressive track record in supporting research, supporting extensive education, and promoting changes in European policy.