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Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT) - BERLIN
Année de création : 1994
Domaines d'activité: langues régionales, linguistique, philologie
Domaines géographiques: International
Périodes chronologiques: Préhistoire-Protohistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Moderne, Contemporain-Temps présent
Présentation de la société :
The purpose of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), founded in March 1994, is to advance the scientific study of typology, that is, of cross-linguistic diversity and the patterns underlying it. To that end ALT seeks:
to further mutual awareness, dialogue, and co-operation within the international community of typologists;
to give typology a higher profile within as well as outside linguistics, and in particular to act as an interest group of typologists in relation... (lire la suite...)
Publications périodiques
Linguistic Typology

1 fiche prosopographique
Membres entre l'année : et l'année :

LAZARD Gilbert (1920-2018) - membre