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Organisation européenne d'histoire rurale (EuRHO) - SANKT-PÖLTEN

European rural history organisation
Année de création : 2002
Domaines d'activité: histoire rurale
Domaines géographiques: Europe, International
Périodes chronologiques: Préhistoire-Protohistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Moderne, Contemporain-Temps présent
Présentation de la société :
The association is a non-profit organisation concerned to promote the study of all aspects of rural
history in Europe and more generally worldwide.
The non-material means to achieve these aims comprise
(i) conferences, lectures and seminars ;
(ii) publications in printed and electronic form ;
(iii) the dissemination of a newsletter and other information ;
(iv) homepage and other internet resources ;
(v) research projects ;
(vi) the promotion of the teaching of rural history.
3.2 The material means to achieve these aims comprise
(i) annual fees paid by institutional members;
(ii) bi-annual fees paid by individual members;
(iii) donations, subsidies and legacies;
(iv) the profits of the association’s events and publications ;
(v) raised research funds ;
(vi) sponsoring contracts and such other income as the association can access.
Exemple(s) de publication de la société (liste non exhaustive)