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Société britannique d'histoire de l'agriculture (BAHS) - DEVON

British agricultural History Society
Année de création : 1953
Domaines d'activité: agriculture, histoire rurale
Domaines géographiques: Etranger
Périodes chronologiques: Préhistoire-Protohistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Moderne, Contemporain-Temps présent
Présentation de la société :
Promoting the study of agricultural history and the history of rural economy and society.
The objects of the society shall be to promote, encourage, foster and coordinate the study and understanding of agricultural and rural history, with special reference to the British Isles.
In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise, the Executive Committee may exercise the following powers:

the publication of the Agricultural History Review together with supplements and... (lire la suite...)
Publications périodiques
Agricultural History Review - semestrielle - 1953

Rural History Today - semestrielle - 2001