24/06/2003 - Book Reviews "International Journal of Maritime History"

Extraits : This collection of articles honours Michel Mollat du Jourdin, the uncontested master of French maritime history, who died in 1996. The impressive bibliography of his works which appears in the volume spans thirteen pages and a remarkable 242 publications. The aim of the book is to bring together the results of various conferences organised according to "Typologie of the Sources of Maritime History. Internal and comparative Analysis." The goal was to go beyond a simple inventory of sources. Instead, it was felt that through a typological analysis of various sources reflections on the field of what constitutes the "fait maritime" should be broaned. The expression "fait maritime" itself aims at a broader field than is usual for a notion of maritime history. (...) All in all, the subjects chosen, the methods used and the sources exploited are of a wide variety, so that the volume holds its own with the oeuvre of the man in whose memory the contributors wrote.