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congrès, Orléans, 14-18 avril 2025
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Dictionnaire topographique
01/07/2010 - Compte rendu
Extraits : "Between Ptolemy and the Charte the reader discovers the wealth and fortune of topography from the fifteenth century to the end of the Wars of Religion. Included—many reproduced for the first time—are surveyors’ drawings, estate maps, topographies produced for military use, scenographic and bird’s-eye city views (...). The book is a wealth and treasure-trove of information sustained by carefully chosen and elegantly reproduced figures and a rich array of primary and secondary sources. Anglophone readers will be happy to note that materials studied in chapters one to four are found in Pelletier’s contributions to The History of Cartography, vol. 3: The European Renaissance, part 2, 1480–503 and 1522–37. All readers will enjoy wandering about de la Guillotière’s provinces, seen in high resolution on the CD-ROM. This book is a definitive and enduring point of reference in the history of French cartography."