Naissance: 9 novembre 1902 à Dvur Králové nad Labem, République Tchèque - Décès: 30 juin 1979 à Brno, République Tchèque

Société botanique de France : membre à vie, 1928-1979
Alois Zlatnik est botaniste tchéque

Prof. RNDr. Ing. Alois Zlatník, an important figure at the Faculty of Forestry at former University of Agriculture in Brno, began very detailed and extensive research in the area of Eastern Carpathians (former Czechoslovakia, present Ukraine).
From 1932 to 34, he carried out pedological, phytosociological and dendrometric survey at three localities (Stužica, Javorník, Pop Ivan). He placed so called sample plots of various sizes (3-8 ha) into each locality. These sample plots held a number of detailed surveys (detailed research of herb layer on fixed squares, etc.). The results were summarized and published (ZLATNÍK 1935, 1938).
he can be seen as the founder of long-term forest ecosystem research (ecological monitoring). Zlatnik was also an innovator regarding ecological principles of nature conservation of mountain regions.
Sources biographiques
Wikipédia https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alois_Zlatn%C3%ADk consultée le 24/03/2016 "Alois Zlatnik – ein wegweisender Forscher in transkarpatischen Urwäldern", Stoyko, Stepan, Delehan, Ivan, Kuhn, Nino (WSL), Lavnyy, Vasyl, 2003, Journal Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen
Études écologiques et sociologiques sur le Sesleria coerulea et le Seslerion calcariae en Tchéchoslovaquie / Alois Zlatník. - Prague : Société Royale des Sciences de Boheme, 1928.
Lesnická botanika (s A. V?zdou, 1951)
Dendrologie (1952)
Ekologie a geografie rostlin I (1952)
Fytocenologie lesa I (1963)
Kvtiny a hory (s A. Kavinovou, 1966)
Lesnická botanika speciální (spoluautor, 1970)
Základy ekologie (spoluautor, 1973)
Lesnická fytocenologie (1978)