Accueil       Sociétés savantes    Annuaire des sociétés savantes    American Musicological Society (AMS) - NEW YORK
American Musicological Society (AMS) - NEW YORK
Année de création : 1934
Domaines d'activité: musique
Domaines géographiques: Amérique du nord, Etranger
Périodes chronologiques: Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Moderne, Contemporain-Temps présent
Présentation de la société :
to advance "research in the various fields of music as a branch of learning and scholarship," a mission that has since evolved to include teaching and learning about music in addition to research. In 1951 the Society became a constituent member of the American Council of Learned Societies. At present, 3,500 individual members and 1,000 institutional subscribers from forty nations are on the rolls of the Society.