Sociétés savantes
Annuaire des sociétés savantes
American Oriental Society (AOS) - ANN ARBOR

American Oriental Society (AOS) - ANN ARBOR
Année de création : 1842Domaines d'activité: sociétés et académies généralistes
Domaines géographiques: Amérique du nord, Asie, Etranger
Périodes chronologiques: Préhistoire-Protohistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge, Moderne, Contemporain-Temps présent
Présentation de la société :
The purposes of the Society shall be:
Section 1. To promote studies of the civilizations and languages of Asia, Northern Africa, and the Pacific Islands, such studies being hereinafter referred to as “Oriental Studies.”
Section 2. To hear and discuss communications of scholarly interests and to promote in such other ways as maybe practicable the exchange of information within the field of Oriental studies.
Section 3. To publish at regular intervals a journal of Oriental studies and to publish occasionally memoirs, translations, and reference works in that field.
Section 4. To collect and maintain a library of Oriental studies for the use of members of the Society and other accredited scholars.
Section 1. To promote studies of the civilizations and languages of Asia, Northern Africa, and the Pacific Islands, such studies being hereinafter referred to as “Oriental Studies.”
Section 2. To hear and discuss communications of scholarly interests and to promote in such other ways as maybe practicable the exchange of information within the field of Oriental studies.
Section 3. To publish at regular intervals a journal of Oriental studies and to publish occasionally memoirs, translations, and reference works in that field.
Section 4. To collect and maintain a library of Oriental studies for the use of members of the Society and other accredited scholars.